Every dog behaviorist naples knows that it’s not easy to discipline and train dogs even if you’ve literally raised your dog since it was a pup. Yes, your dog can be a very good companion but it’s going to be a real headache if your dog is ill-mannered and doesn’t obey what you say. Just think of it as your child. If your child throws tantrums and misbehaves badly, how would you feel? The same is true with dogs. The good news is you can control bad dog behavior by training your pet.
What Are Examples of Bad Dog Behavior?
Bad dog behavior comes in many forms and it depends on several factors such as breed, age, training, the situation, and owner preferences. There are certain dog breeds that make your dog prone to misbehaving like excessive barking and digging. Age is also a contributing factor. According to dog experts, bad behavior normally manifests in puppies and in old dogs. Training can change bad dog behavior but it will also depend on the training method used. If you use the wrong training method, your dog’s behavior may become worse. The bad behavior manifested will depend on the situation. For example, if your dog continuously barks even without a stimulus (stranger). And then it also boils down to owner preferences. A certain dog’s behavior may be acceptable to you but not to someone else.
As a rule, dog behavior can be viewed as bad if it’s unwelcome and if it’s excessive even after you’ve attempted to correct it. Examples of bad behavior that needs to be corrected include barking, jumping up, whining, digging, begging, counter-surfing, chewing, biting, nipping, chasing, urine making and leash pulling. If these behaviors are done occasionally then it’s not that bad but if they happen repeatedly, you need to make a strategy to correct them.
How Can You Control Bad Dog Behavior?
Prevention – one of the most effective strategies in controlling bad dog behavior is through prevention. If you can identify what triggers your dog to behave badly, it’s best if you avoid it. When you remove the trigger, your dog will not exhibit unwanted behavior. Examples include not leaving food scraps on the table so your dog won’t beg. This also discourages your dog from counter-surfing.
Get To Know Your Dog – another effective strategy of controlling your dog’s behavior is by getting to know your dog. Most dogs don’t resort to bad behavior if their master can meet their needs. For example, if your dog is always peeing in the living room you may want to take your dog out more frequently to get bathroom breaks. The key is to know what their needs are and to supply them before they start acting out.
Exercise – do you know that if your dog is always chasing or digging it means they have so much energy bottled-up inside? To exhaust their energy, dog experts recommend you let your dog exercise to burn off their excess energy. Exercising with your dog is also a good way to bond with your pet.
Learn to Ignore – dogs misbehave because they want attention. They jump up, beg, and bark because they want you to notice them. One strategy to stop your dog from misbehaving is to learn to ignore bad behavior. Instead of punishing or yelling, master the art of ignoring your dog.
Redirect Their Attention – there are certain behaviors that are instinctive for your dogs like digging and chewing. You may find these behaviors annoying but it’s part of your dog’s system and you can’t get rid of them. What you can do is to redirect their attention and energy into more appropriate alternatives like providing your dog with a chew toy or allow your dog to dig but only on a particular spot in your backyard.
When dealing with your dog, you should be patient. Extend your patience so it won’t affect your relationship with your dog. Don’t worry because the strategies listed here are effective and they work. If they don’t work on your dog, you may try to hire a dog expert for help and assistance.