Did you know that how you care for your oral health affects how your breath smells? Dentists in Brentwood will never get tired of reminding you to take good care of your teeth and gums because if you start slacking off, you’ll not only end up with tooth decay and gum disease but you’ll suffer from bad breath as well.
The downside to bad breath is that you can’t hide it. Whenever you open your mouth, the stench will come out, and knowing this will definitely affect your self-esteem. The good news is you can fix bad breath. Here’s how you can do it.
#1 Brush Daily
The American Dental Association strongly urges everyone to brush daily at least twice a day for two minutes. Brushing will not only protect your enamel against cavities and tooth decay but also helps keep your breath fresh by reducing bacteria and removing food particles in your mouth.
When you brush, make sure you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a toothpaste brand that has the ADA seal.
#2 Floss Every Day
Although brushing helps remove plaque, bacteria, and food particles, dentists still recommend you floss at least once daily preferably before going to bed. Flossing removes food and plaque that are trapped in between your teeth. If these aren’t removed, the leftover food will start to rot and leave a bad odor.
#3 Clean Your Mouth Thoroughly
If you think taking care of your teeth is enough, you’re mistaken. Bacteria that cause bad breath can grow anywhere in your mouth and not just on your teeth. When you brush, make sure you include your cheeks, tongue, and gums. You can go the extra mile by using a tongue scraper to remove bacteria and plaque that have accumulated on your tongue. Rinsing off with an antibacterial mouthwash also helps.
#4 Check Your Food and Drinks
Research shows that people who love to drink coffee experience bad breath at the end of the day. The reason is that the caffeine in the coffee causes your mouth to dry. Dry mouth plus the sugar in the coffee promote a breeding ground for bacteria to grow. Coffee also contains high amounts of sulfur that will affect the smell of your breath. Other foods that are high in sulfur include cabbage, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts.
#5 Drink Lots of Water
How many glasses of water a day do you drink? Doctors recommend you drink at least eight glasses of water. One of the reasons why you need to drink water is to keep your mouth moist. When your mouth is dry it encourages bacterial growth and this can lead to stinky breath.
#6 Stop Smoking
Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health but not a lot of people are aware that smoking also contributes to bad breath. Smoking also causes dry mouth and as mentioned, this can promote the growth of bacteria.
#7 Dental Visits
While it’s true that diligent brushing and flossing will help remove plaque and bacteria, sadly, these aren’t enough to keep plaque from forming especially in areas that your toothbrush and dental floss can’t reach.
These areas are prone to plaque and tartar buildup. If your breath still smells bad even if you brush and floss daily, you should check when was the last time you saw your dentist for dental cleaning. Dentists have the tools and the instruments needed to scrape away hardened tartar.
In a nutshell, taking care of your teeth and gums entails more than just adhering to an oral care routine. There are tons of other things you can do to maintain your oral health. Bad breath is one of the consequences of poor choices. With these tips, you’ll now know how to keep your breath minty fresh every day.